GPS Geodetik RTK GNSS Spectra SP80 

The SP80 is a new generation GNSS receiver. SP80 uses the unique Z-Blade technology to track and process all available GNSS signals, to provide the most reliable measurements and the highest possible accuracies in challenging environments. It also offers the best communications and connectivity capabilities available today including SMS and email alerts and anti-theft protection. The ergonomic design and unlimited operating time make the SP80 an extremely versatile and complete solution.

The SP80 GNSS receiver is a powerful, rugged and easy-to-use system designed for everyday surveyors. The SP80’s Z-Blade GNSS-centric technology delivers fast and reliable GNSS positioning utilizing all available GNSS signals to produce the optimal solution even in challenging environments. GPS-only, GLONASS-only or BeiDou-only positioning modes are available when necessary.

Unique communication technologies keep the surveyor connected. Web UI access via WiFi and SMSs can be used to monitor and configure the receiver. RTK bridge can save you money as network corrections can be relayed via radio to any rover in the survey job area. Anti-theft technology protects your investment by sending emails and SMSs to alert users as well as making the receiver unusable if the SP80 base has been moved.




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